Is Auctioning Your House A Good Idea in Hollywood, FL? – The Do’s and Don’ts…

Selling your house at auction in Hollywood is becoming increasingly popular throughout America. This is due to the opportunity it offers to sell your home quickly without having to pay real estate agent fees, and often with a profit.

However, there can be downsides to auctioning your home instead of selling it through a traditional real estate agent or to a real estate investment firm like KeyCashin.

In this article, I will discuss some do’s and don’ts of auctioning your house in Hollywood and surrounding areas. Additionally, I will address whether auctioning your house is a good idea in Hollywood FL.

Is Auctioning Your House A Good Idea in Hollywood?

If you’re looking at auctioning off your Hollywood house, keep in mind that there are several preparations that you must make before the actual auction starts.

The “Do’s” 

  • To successfully auction off your house, it’s crucial to start by finding a reputable auctioneer in Hollywood. With the abundance of auctioneering firms available today, it’s important to conduct thorough research before selecting one to represent your property. You might begin your search in the local phone directory, through recommendations, or by visiting the National Auctioneers Association website to find auctioneers in Florida. Focus on those with extensive experience and consider attending a few auctions to observe their operations firsthand. It’s also essential to inquire about their service fees, as these can vary significantly. In some cases, fees might reach up to ten percent of the sale price, potentially reducing your profit substantially… though sometimes the fees are much lower. Alternatively, if you prefer not to engage an auctioneer, managing the auction yourself is an option. While a skilled auctioneer can increase a house’s selling price, conducting the auction on your own is feasible, provided you’re clear about the auction rules, starting bid, and financial requirements (such as cash payments and deposits) with potential bidders.
  • Once you’ve chosen the right house auctioneering company in Hollywood for your needs, the next step is to decide the type of auction you wish to conduct: Absolute or Reserve. In an absolute auction, there is no minimum limit that your house must achieve to be sold. This approach guarantees that your house will be sold to the highest bidder, regardless of the bid amount. On the other hand, reserve auctions set a have a minimum price limit. If bids fail to meet this minimum, your house will not be sold. This method provides a safety net, ensuring you don’t sell below a certain value, but it also means there’s a chance your house might not sell if the reserve is not met.

    Choosing between reserve and absolute auctions might seem straightforward, but it’s not always the case that reserve auctions are the superior option. There’s a risk involved: if bidders are unwilling to meet the minimum price, your house could remain unsold, leaving you with a property you wish to part with. Conversely, “no reserve” or absolute auctions often draw more potential buyers, attracted by the possibility of securing a bargain. This increased interest can lead to a bidding frenzy, potentially driving the final sale price higher than expected. This dynamic atmosphere could be the key to selling your house on the spot versus not selling it at all.

    Think carefully when making your decision, and try to decide what it is that you want more. If you want to sell your house as quickly as possible in Hollywood, then doing an absolute auction is the quicker option. If not, then perhaps a reserve auction would be more in your goals.

  • Don’t leave out any faults about the house from your auction description A critical step in the process of auctioning your house in Hollywood is to comprehensively list all known issues with your property. It’s vital not to omit any defects, as buyers are entitled to pursue action against you for any undisclosed faults discovered after the auction. Transparently sharing all information about your property’s condition not only protects you legally but also fosters trust with potential buyers, contributing to a smoother transaction.


  • Don’t go into an auction with fantasies of a bidding war erupting, leaving you with an enormous profit. Setting a realistic price expectation for your auction in Hollywood is crucial, and it’s important to prepare for the possibility that your house might sell for less than anticipated. Emotional attachments can inflate your perceived value of the home, a sentiment that bidders likely won’t share. While it’s true that auctioning your property might not yield as high a return as a traditional real estate sale, it offers the advantage of speed. Opting for an auction can significantly reduce the duration and stress associated with selling your home, providing a quicker path to closure and potentially sparing you the prolonged anxiety of the conventional selling process.

Why Are You Thinking About Auctioning Your Hollywood House Anyway?

Stumbling upon this article might not be a coincidence—perhaps the idea of auctioning off your house has been on your mind. Auctioning could indeed expedite the sale of your home, offering a compelling reason to explore this avenue, right?

However, before you commit to auctioning your house in the Hollywood area, consider an alternative approach.

Our company, KeyCashin, is actively purchasing houses in the Hollywood region. Unlike traditional methods that involve listing your property, we aim to directly acquire it. This option could present a straightforward and efficient solution to selling your home, bypassing the complexities and uncertainties of auctions or the conventional real estate market.

We buy Hollywood houses

  • In any condition
  • Any part of town and even other parts of FL
  • ugly houses, pretty houses, houses in great shape, houses that need lots of repairs
  • houses with lots of equity and even houses with little or no equity

We’ll pay a fair price, we can close fast (in as little as 7 days), and you won’t have to fix up the house at all.

If you’d like to see what we can pay for your house BEFORE you decide to auction it off… reach out to us.

You can call us anytime at (754) 714-7497 or just click the link below and fill out the form on the next page to start the process.

So, Is Auctioning Your House A Good Idea in Hollywood?…  that’s up to you to decide. But if you want to see if working with us makes more sense first before you jump into the “auction” world… submit your info below to get started today!

Get A Cash Offer On Your Hollywood Area House Here >>

Here’s another great read that we found when writing this article on some more tips and questions you should ask yourself before you auction off your house.

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